
Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Jeff Kinney Lounge | Diary of A Wimpy Kid

This Is A Journal !! Not A Diary!!!

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Jeffrey "Jeff" Kinney (born February 19, 1971) is an American game designer, cartoonist, producer, and author of children's books including the Diary of a Wimpy Kid book series. He is also attributed to be the creator of the children-oriented website Poptropica. Jeff also has been in a movie about his book, Rodrick Rules 

 1. Diary of A Wimpy Kid (2007)

Bosan dengan buku cerita penuh tulisan tanpa gambar? Atau bosan dengan kisah fantasi penuh hal-hal gaib? Atau ingin mencoba sesuatu yang lebih menantang daripada komik tetapi tidak seberat novel? Nah, inilah jawabannya. Baca, deh diary milik Greg Heffley. Selain banyak kejadian lucu, di dalamnya juga bertaburan gambar-gambar kartun jenaka.

Kisah hidup Greg Heffley selama satu tahun ajaran sekolah ini dijamin bisa membuat pipi pegal, perut terkocok, bahkan mata berair. Kekonyolan dan kemalangan Greg akan membuat kalian mengingat kembali kejadian serupa yang mungkin pernah kalian alami.

Di dalamnya ada Sentuhan Keju yang menyeramkan, “Zoo-Wee Mama” yang menyebalkan, seorang anak yang mabuk gula, dan masih banyak lagi. Ingin tahu lebih lanjut? Cepat buka halaman pertama ..  

2. Diary of A Wimpy Kid #2 : Rodrick Rules (2008) / Diary Si Bocah Tengil : Rodrick yang Semena-mena

Apa pun alasannya, jangan tanya Greg Heffley tentang liburan musim panasnya, karena dia pasti tidak mau cerita. Saat Greg memulai tahun ajaran baru di sekolah, dia bertekad melupakan semua peristiwa yang terjadi dalam tiga bulan terakhir … khususnya sebuah peristiwa yang ingin dia rahasiakan. Malang bagi Greg, kakaknya, Rodrick, tahu semua peristiwa yang ingin Greg simpan rapat-rapat. Namun, serapat apa pun dia menyembunyikannya, rahasia itu terbongkar juga ... terutama jika sebuah diary ikut terlibat.

3. Diary of A Wimpy Kid #3 : The Last Straw (2009) / Diary Si Bocah Tengil : Usaha Terakhir

Ayo akui saja: Greg Heffley tidak akan pernah mengubah sikapnya yang tengil dan gampang menyerah. Harus ada seseorang yang men-jelaskan hal ini pada ayah Greg.

Tahu tidak, Frank Heffley benar-benar merasa dirinya mampu membuat putranya menjadi lebih tegar, dan dia pun mendaftarkan Greg dalam berbagai olahraga yang terorganisasi dan kegiatan “cowok” lainnya.

Tentu saja, Greg dengan mudah mampu mengelak dari segala usaha sang ayah yang ingin mengubah dirinya. Namun, ketika ayahnya mengancam akan mengirimnya ke akademi militer, Greg sadar dia harus membenahi diri … atau kalau tidak, dia pasti akan dikirim pergi.

 4. Diary of A Wimpy Kid #4 : Dog Days (2009) / Diary Si Bocah Tengil : Hari-hari Sial

Liburan musim panas yang seharusnya sangat mengasyikkan dan ditunggu-tunggu ternyata berubah menjadi serentetan peristiwa yang tidak menyenangkan—dimulai dari ibu Greg yang mencanangkan program pengetatan ikat-pinggang (selamat tinggal deh acara jalan-jalan ke pantai!), diikuti dengan pengalaman tidak menyenangkan di kolam renang kota.

Lalu, hadiah ulang tahun yang diidam-idamkan ternyata mengecewakan. Selain itu, pertengkaran dengan Rowley, tambahan anggota keluarga baru yang banyak tingkah, dan masih banyak lagi hal-hal menyebalkan lainnya.

Sungguh apes nasib Greg kali ini. 

5. Diary of A Wimpy Kid #5 : The Ugly Truth (2010) / Diary Si Bocah Tengil : Kenyataan Pahit

Sejak dulu, Greg Heffley selalu ingin cepat-cepat dewasa. Namun, apakah bertambah usia memang seenak yang dia bayangkan?

Greg mendadak harus berurusan dengan berbagai macam tekanan, yang disebabkan oleh pesta menginap di sekolah, bertambahnya tanggung jawab, dan bahkan oleh perubahan-perubahan canggung yang biasa timbul seiring dengan bertambahnya usia.

Dia terpaksa menghadapi semua itu tanpa kehadiran sang sahabat baik, Rowley, di sisinya.

Dapatkah Greg melewatinya seorang diri? Ataukah dia harus berhadapan dengan "kenyataan pahit"? 

6. Diary of A Wimpy Kid #6 : Cabin Fever (2011)

Greg Heffley is in big trouble. School property has been damaged, and Greg is the prime suspect. But the crazy thing is, he’s innocent. Or at least sort of.

The authorities are closing in, but when a surprise blizzard hits, the Heffley family is trapped indoors. Greg knows that when the snow melts he’s going to have to face the music, but could any punishment be worse than being stuck inside with your family for the holidays?

Another Books From Jeff Kinney
1. Diary Of A Wimpy Kid : Do-It-Yourself-Book (2008, revised and expanded in 2011)

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Now every kid can write like a Wimpy Kid!

An exciting companion to the bestselling Diary of a Wimpy Kid series.

"First of all, let me get something straight: This is a journal, not a diary."

This innovative interactive journal based on Greg Heffley's own "diary" lets kids express themselves in an exciting new way. In Diary of a Wimpy Kid Do-It-Yourself Book, kids will be asked: What was the best dream you ever had? The worst thing you ever ate? The best secret you ever heard? The most trouble you ever got in for something that wasn't even your fault to begin with? ThisDo-It-Yourself Book features art throughout, along with ruled and blank pages for readers to create their own stories, keep their own diaries, and record their favorites and least faves. Includes a bonus full-color comics section featuring the collected cartoons of Greg Heffley and his best friend, Rowley.

FYI, ini buku dikhususin buat anak-anak di Amerika sono yg ikutan kuisnya. Jadi mereka bikin komik dengan karangan mereka sendiri, dan om Jeff Kinney udah dapet pemenangnya yaitu, Chudney Patterson

 2. The Wimpy Kid Movie Diary (2010)

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Cheese Touch Game

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 Versi Film :
Chirag Gupta: Stop Good god man you almost got the cheese touch.
Greg Heffley: The what?
Chirag: The cheese touch.(tells the story)
One day a kid named Darren Walsh Made a biggest mistake of his life
Girl: (screaming) Darren touch the cheese!!
Chirag: Darren had the cheese touch it was worst than ????? cooties the only way to get rid of the cheese touch is by passing it on to someone else so began the cheese touch frenzy. friend turn on friend it was madness until the German exchange student named Detorn Müller took it away that faithful day
Guy: Detorn has the cheese touch
Detorn: (speaking German) Ze cheese touch? Vat is it? Vat Does it mean, ze cheese touch?? (screamin in the car) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....!
Chirag: He moved back to Düsseldorf and took the cheese touch with him and so the cheese saids patient he waiting for his next victim.
Rowley Jefferon & Greg: Wow
Chirag: This is a terrible place
One day, this kid name Darren Walsh touched the cheese with his finger, and that's what started this thing called the cheese touch. It's basically like the cooties. If you get the Cheese TRouch, you're stuck with it until you pass it on to someone else.

The only way to protect yourself from the Cheese Touch is to cross your fingers. But it's not that easy remembering to keep your fingers crossed every moment of the day. I ended up taping mine together so they'd stay crossed all the time.

This one kid named Abe Hall got the Cheese Touch in April, and nobody would even come near him for the rest of the year. This summer Abe moved away to California and took the Cheese Touch with him...

I just hope someone doesn't start the Cheese Touch up again, because I don't need that kind of stress in my life anymore.


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